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Basic Colored Pencils for Architecture Rendering

Archian - Life, Bacolod, Architecture, Finances & Dubai

Basic Colored Pencils for Architecture Rendering
by Arch Ian Jay Bantilan

Colored Pencils

Colored Pencils

Colored Pencil Brands.

One of the popular mediums in rendering is the colored pencils. It’s direct link to the graphite “pencil” is the reason for its popularity. Once you become acquainted with the pencil, it isn’t hard to learn Colored Pencil.

The next decision is selecting the brand for colored pencil. I have visited local stores and I believe that the same brands still reign today.

Here are some brands for colored pencil:






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LCC- Marker / Aerial Architecture Rendering using Markers

Archian - Life, Bacolod, Architecture, Finances & Dubai

Aerial Architecture Rendering using Markers
by Arch Ian Jay Bantilan

Basic Perspective Drawing.

Perspective Drawing is an approximate representation of figures and objects on a plane. This is most commonly our paper or Computer Screen Monitor. Perspective Views are important and most readily understood because this is the way we percieves our world.

The person as he perceives a perspective drawing in his picture plane

The person as he perceives a perspective drawing in his picture plane

As we draw the Perspective, there are major elements such as the Station Point, the Picture Plane, the Horizon, the Vanishing Point and the Object. Continue reading

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LCC- Marker / Rendering Basic Shapes

Archian - Life, Bacolod, Architecture, Finances & Dubai

Basic Architecture Rendering using Markers by Arch Ian Jay Bantilan

Markers are a very useful tool in rendering. There are many a trick to mastering the marker and it requires constant practice. You must also understand that markers are not like Coloring Books. Most people pick up a marker and then assume that every little element of the drawing needs to be filled with color. This is not so. Why? Well I think there are 2 reasons….

Leaving White Patches

Leaving White Patches

. . .First, white patches and light have a visual effect. The mind assumes that the object colour remains but the region is just a highlight. second, leaving some white while having quick and confident strokes with a marker lends itself to having an exciting and interesting sketch.

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LCC- Marker / Basic Architecture Rendering using Markers

Archian - Life, Bacolod, Architecture, Finances & Dubai

Basic Architecture Rendering using Markers
by Arch Ian Jay Bantilan

Prismacolor Marker Tip

Prismacolor Marker Tip

Mark ‘yer Qualities.

Markers are colored pens with tips made of porous material like felt. Most markers today are alcohol based and hence have a cap to prevent rapid evaporation of your prescious ink.

The proffessional markers have 2 tips – the thin point side (1) and the wide wedge (2). Some will have a nib similar to fountain pens (3).

Markers can have the tendency to leak everywhere if not controlled right. You must develop the skill to control how the ink flows to your paper by applying different pressure and varying the angle of touching the paper. Like any other medium, markers lend a different feel to colours and pictures in general. I personally think that markers can be the easiest to control amongst traditional liquid colouring techniques.

Select your Paper.
Different qualities of Markers will have different marks on paper. Different papers can also enhance or destroy your render. It is best to try your marker on paper before you do an all-out rendering marathon. It’s easier to work on a paper that gives you a hand.


LCC- Marker / Felt Tip Pens – 9 Tips for Architecture Rendering

Archian - Life, Bacolod, Architecture, Finances & Dubai

Markers /Felt Tips Pens – 9 Tips for Architecture Rendering
by Arch Ian Jay Bantilan

Copic Marker Set 2

Copic Marker Set 2

1. Understand your Work space Scale.

Key to your success in any Architectural Rendering is understanding your Workspace.
Are you Making an A1 Board? Your marker lines might be too small. You would be creating longer lines. Would it look good? Are you rendering a 5″x8″ Card? You should consider a Simple Schematic Perspective. Your lines would be too small to be visible.
2. Test your Marker before Use.
One bummer to a great presentation is when a Marker misfires and splatters ink all over your work. This seldom happens but if you are doing your thesis, you might as well check especially if it’s been years before you touched that Marker. Continue reading